When to Hire NFA?
Immediately! Retaining an experienced and knowledgeable licensed Public Adjuster immediately after suffering a loss to your property/business is the most important decision you can make. NFA knows that establishing a good rapport with your carrier’s claims adjuster could set the tone for the entire claim process.
NFA can be of the greatest benefit, if involved from the onset of the claim, assisting the insurance company establish initial reserves for their cash flow purposes, as well as determining the course of action that should be taken in properly measuring all aspects of the claims.
Types of Adjusters
Staff Adjuster
An employee of Insurance Company who serves the interests of his/her employer.
Independent Adjuster
Self-employed or works for an independent adjusting firm that is hired by insurance companies on a loss-by-loss basis.
Licensed Public Adjuster
While Staff and Independent Adjusters are professionals in their own trade, the adjusters assigned to your claim base their opinions, loss estimates and settlement decisions on guarding the financial interests of their employer, the insurance company.
Radio Show Discussing Complex Insurance Claims

Review your insurance policy. Do you know what you are actually entitled to?
Within a standard insurance policy there may be hundreds of provisions that may make it rather difficult to understand what coverages you have. Having NFA review your insurance policy, before and/or after a loss, is extremely beneficial to you as the policyholder. NFA offers this service at NO CHARGE. Fully understanding what coverages are included and excluded within your policy is the most important aspect to your claim.